
Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Spring is bustin' out all over around these parts. But this unusually warm weather, paired with last year's summer from H E double hockey sticks had me worried about what kind of container plants to put on the porches this year and personally, although I love me some hydrangeas I'm not really a flowery girl. In Kansas it's best to bet on something that can withstand the heat and needs minimal watering.

Enter: Succulents

My mom bought me this old, metal cafeteria thing-y at a thrift store last year and I thought it would be the perfect place for some succulents. These are the two I picked up at a local greenhouse. Whadaya' think? I have a lot of similar metal containers that I don't want to drill holes in either so I'm thinking succulents for EVERYBODY! YOU get a succulent and YOU get a succuelnt!

You can probably tell from the sheer pointlessness of this post that I'm avoiding painting the kitchen ceiling with every fiber of my being. You'd be right. Stop judging me.
I'll paint when I'm good and ready. 


  1. omg, succulents. I'm obsessed with succulents. Kaw Valley has some, but if you find a nursery in Wichita that carries Proven Winners, they've got TONS.

    I've already got around 20, and have a list of 50-odd more I want. My Pinterest is full of them. SUCCULENTS!!!

  2. You know, I've always meant to go to Kaw Valley but never have. We got these at Johnson's Garden Center. And I am intrigued by this Proven Winners you speak of...very intrigued. I think I may have found a new hobby : )

  3. i love succulents! I wonder if those rosary vines would trail enough down my horrible retaining wall... hmm.

    1. They will definitely trail. Case in point, this picture:


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