
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Back to the Brush

Well y'all, we tried. Yesterday, my mom brought up her paint sprayer and we tried like the dickens to paint the ceiling with it but honestly, the weight of the sprayer nozzle paired with the general splochy-ness (yeah, that's a word) drove us right back to the brush. It's looking great! Wish I could say the same for the walls...

Seriously. The whiter the ceiling gets the cruddier the walls get.
Splochy-ness, cruddier, look at me go! I'm makin' up words all over this blog!
I'm planning to give them a nice fresh coat of paint once we get the ceiling done. Can't decide if we should stick with a perfect white or go with something just a tiny bit warmer than white.
Thoughts? Suggestions?

Anywho, as soon as the second coat is done we're going to start on the light situation.
For now, Conan whipped up this solution. A few clip lights stuck to the beams.

I actually kind of like it. You can see in the left background where the old light fixture was that we removed yesterday to use the paint sprayer.

Hopefully by this weekend we'll be done painting the ceiling and be on our way to the lights. That's HOPE fully. Emphasis on the hope.

Which, btw I'm still looking for a good picture to illustrate my point of how I want these lights to look. I swear I've seen something similar done before. Kind of like this:

And also, while we're talking inspiration for the kitchen...

How crazy would you think I am if I ripped up our nasty, uncleanable vinyl rug and painted our floorboards like the ones in Emerson Merrick's adorable apartment:

I mean...dang. That's a neat floor.

**Also, thanks for all of the awesome comments on the bathroom pictures! We talked about them all day yesterday! Especially the ones where you mentioned the "before" didn't look that bad. Which, as a result I am now taking much, much more before pictures of our projects to prove how bad things really look
: )


  1. first time commenting: but you should totally rip up that vinyl! if you've got wood underneath...heck yeah. we just bought a fixer-uper kinda like your place, and as soon as possible i'm ripping up the vinyl tiles in the kitchen and painting those wooden floors the deepest barn red i can get my hands on. also, the aged-ness (look, i can make up words too! lol) would really complement your ceiling i think...

  2. I love that idea for the floor! I say go for it.

  3. Thanks for the encouraging (also made up) words sjmatt and jwhitley : )
    Mmmmm barn red, that sounds uh-may-zing! I was thinking the same thing about the ceiling and floor complementing each other. Maybe I'm gonna' go for it. Maybe, probably.

  4. I love the painted floor. I'm STILL trying to talk my husband into it. If you paint yours I'll be able to enjoy it vicariously. *sigh*

  5. I think that painting the floor is a great idea!

    ... and the bathroom looks outstanding. In fact, I was just showing a friend of mine the pictures and explaining to them why your blog is my favorite.

  6. Thanks goosefairy and bungalow (btw, your blog is a favorite of ours too!). That's four votes for and no against so I think I'm tearin' me up some vinyl!

  7. awesome! just make sure to show pics so i can steal ideas from you on exactly how to do it, since you'll no doubt get to it before we do! ;)
    also, congrats on being featured on design*sponge today!

  8. Ha! I don't know if we'll get it done very quickly but I will for sure update with pics as we go and thanks, we were super thrilled about being on design*sponge - it's a dream of mine, come true!

  9. i love that design*sponge shows its 'before and after' series and i find your amazing blog through it!
    go for that dangishly neat floor, it will look great. looking forward to your 'before and afters'. with that floor i would leave the walls white and would accessorize with colored items... but hey, that's just me talking.
    lovely easter.

  10. We're glad you found us too Helene! I think I just might try this floor thing since everyone seems so keen on it. And I will take LOTS of pictures for everyone! I like your idea about the walls too, I think I'll do just that. Happy Easter to you too!

  11. I want to be the sixth vote for tearing up the vinyl and painting the floor! I want to do that in our office (or what will be our office once it is habitable again). I will not be refinishing floors again! It was horrible and I don't recommend it to anyone. sometimes paying someone else to do it is worth it. anyway. yes to painting the floors, I love the temporary lights and I love the cool "track lighting" idea pic you have. And if you want to stick to white-ish for your kitchen walls, I vote for a slightly warmer wall color to make the white white ceiling stand out. We just did this in a renovation for my aunt and it looked fantastic.

  12. That's six votes for painting the floor and one for painting the walls white and one for not-so-white. Looks like I might have to get some paint samples!


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