
Friday, April 27, 2012

Stain That Floor!

So, guess what we did yesterday?

With really shoddy latex gloves, apparently?

That's right! We started staining the floor!

We went to Harbor Freigh and got a new/the same sander and finished sanding the best we could

We used a sanding block to get the parts under the cabinet and along the walls.

Then we moved the fridge and stove into the laundry room and tried to find a way to close off the kitchen from prying pets.

Our solution? We blocked off the second staircase at the top with a very tall piece of the old floor (huzzah! it's good for something!) and then we went up to the attic and chose one of the doors that were laying around the house when we bought it to put between the kitchen and the living room.

See, this house was made so that you can shut all of the rooms off from one another and in this case, that actually came in handy. Don't worry, we still have the knob and we put it on right after this was taken.

Shorty is so upset that he can't get into the kitchen. So very, very upset.

I'm not going to post any pictures until I've put a second coat on and maybe not even 'til after the polyurethane. Sorry! I just want it to look perfect for you guys! I will say though, it has been described by the people who have seen it as "hot", "dang" and "a pretty sexy floor".

Speaking of that second coat, it ain't gonna' ever get done if I don't get off the computer and go get started. So, farewell! Wish me luck!


  1. squeee! I'm hoping I have something to look forward to on Monday!

  2. Yay! Good luck and god speed!!!

  3. Do you have any photos of the transition from the dark kitchen floor to the lighter floor of the hallway? We have a dark living room floor and are going to do a natural oak for the kitchen (the exact reverse) and I want to see how it looks.


    1. I do not, unfortunately : / If you want, just shoot an email to the Lamphouse address ( and I will email you a quick picture or two!


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