
Monday, September 24, 2012

Halloween, Magazines and Limbering Up for Real Projects

Thank you so much for all of your input on the dining room table. I think I know what I'm going to do and I also think that I'll probably change my mind like another five or six times before it cools down enough for me to leave the doors open and do this puppy indoors without moving it so...
...the point is, you're all decorating geniuses and I'm/we're very lucky to have a little online poll we can check anytime we need advice. Very lucky, indeed.
So, since you were all so kind with your thoughts I thought I would share with you some quick goings on 'round these parts.
First, with Halloween only like a month and change away I thought I would get started on my projects waaaaay way in advance. So in advance, that I actually started last year by scooping up some grave stones at Tar-jay for like pennies a few weeks after Halloween '11. They're going in the front yard along with this guy:
My mom and dad came up and got really dirty helping to create our very own grim reaper. We used this tutorial and it wasn't too hard but it was incredibly messy.
If you're wondering how I convinced my dad to spend his Saturday making a grim reaper it didn't take much convincing. This is the guy that made monster movies as a kid with his neighbors and climbed up an extension ladder with a monster mask on at one of my slumber parties to scare the living daylights out of a bunch of pre-teen girls. Ah, memories.
Anywho, I'll post about all of our decorations (including Steve up there) and DIY's once we get closer to the big day.
In other, less death-y news, Conan and I stretched our house project muscles this morning by putting up a little decorative hook on the back porch.
Phew! That was tough!
It is very cute, though and I can't wait to use it. Right now it's full of this weed/vine that's growing on our fence. Anyone know what that is? Little white flowers, smells great, gives instant headaches when sniffed? Anyone?
And finally, the really exciting news.
We got our copy of This Old House and guess who's in it?
Look at our goofy, little faces! I'm trying to wait until it's on their website so I can link you guys to it (like they requested) instead of scanning this in but still no luck. If you guys want to read about stuff you've already read about at length then make it known and we'll scan this bad boy tonight. Otherwise, just imagine that it says something like, "Look at these two crazy people. They showered in their basement for a year! That's nuts! It didn't cost much money. The end."
Sorry for the lack of enthusiasm it's just...we're just...really busy and tired and frankly, sometimes I collapse in a heap on the couch, watch the kitty tumbleweeds blow by, look at the shades we bought on vacation, still sitting their packages and say to myself, "Where do I even begin?"


  1. Sweet Autumn Clematis.

  2. I love that idea of hanging the jar from the hook instead of a hanging basket. Just pop in whatever flower/weed you fancy!

    1. Thanks! Those are actually the lanterns we used at our wedding so you could also put a candle in there if you wanted to but I don't think I'll be running out of weeds/flowers anytime soon : )


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