
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Painting the Kitchen

Well folks, we have come to the end of our floor journey (for now, at least). Last night Conan and I put on the final coat of polyurethane and said "So long sucker!" to the old floor that was. By my calculations that means that now there's only one thing to do...

We just took everything off of the cabinets and counters and we're getting ready to start painting at the "too late to start painting hour" of 4:37 p.m. CST. Whatever. I'm itching to get this project behind us. I'm itching to start decorating this room and enjoying it! Speaking of decorating, I put together a little inspiration board for how I would like this kitchen to turn out. So far? Pretty good.

2) Neat old pictures like this one of the East Entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park
3) An awesome vintage stove like the one over at The Brick House (BAM! $45 Vintage Stove)
4) A Navajo rug with LOTS of deep red
5) Dark walnut floors (done, obviously)
6) Brass bin pulls (or bin pulls of some sort) Got 'em!

Well, I've got to go get the brush on the wall if you catch my drift. I'll hopefully have some pictures real soon of my "other project" as well as the painted kitchen!

ALSO, thank you, thank you, thank you! For all of your nice comments about the floor! It's always soooo encouraging to hear that people like what you're doing! You guys are awesome!


  1. I'm super excited to see what it looks like post painting and decorated! And anytime you want to come over to my house and get to work... ha!

    1. Thanks! I'm BEYOND excited to start decorating it and to have a stove again!

  2. I love what you've done. I wish I could see it in person. Maybe someday. I love you, Kathy

  3. No new post for over a week?? You're killing me!!

    Just kidding. Mostly.


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