
Monday, April 2, 2012

Before & After Bathroom

As promised, Conan whipped out the ol' M8 yesterday afternoon and took a few uhhhhh-maayyy-zing final after pictures for us to share with you guys. I think we're calling it done on the bathroom (minus a few decorating touches here and there which will take me about forever to find from different thrift stores) so let's see how far we've come, shall we?
Hope you did your finger exercises today, cause' your scrollin' finger is about to get a workout!
First up, before and after view from the door:
(Please note the missing ceiling and the garbage bag taped in the shower. Class all the way.)



Next, the view from the shower:


BEFORE (Closet to Shower)


And a few more for good measure!

The shower handles we recycled from our basement shower:

Our beautiful hex tile pattern that took us a minute to figure out:

My $6 thrift store shutters all painted up nicely (thanks, dad!):

Our salvaged mirror and recycled light fixtures (they were in the office originally)

Our $3 (each) sink faucet handles from Mylissa's Garden and our $60 Craigslist sink:

And just because it's pretty, some Lilacs:

Alright guys! I guess that's it for the bathroom. I feel like someone should perform a toast or something. *toasts computer screen with sweet tea* That oughta' do it!
Thanks for sticking with us and reading post after post about tile. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming in the kitchen...painting the ceiling...ugh!


  1. Wow! I literally gasped when I saw this. What an amazing transformation! I can't even pick a favorite part - too much to love. Such attention to detail. It's stunning. And the artwork is perfection.

  2. Thank you so so much Alyssa! And I agree, Conan can draw a mean picture : D

  3. It looks absolutely beautiful! And that shower! So gorgeous. I think you've inspired me with those mother-in-laws-tongues tucked in the corner behind your tub, great idea.

  4. Oh that is so beautiful! The before wasn't .... awful but, now with the after you can truly see just how bad it was. Of course, the after would make a LOT of bathrooms green with envy. Y'all have all done an amazing job.

  5. Thanks Christine! Those are one of my most favorite plants (right behind Lilacs of course!)!

  6. Thanks goosefairy! I said the same thing to Conan earlier. After looking at the befores I said, "We should have opened the shower curtain and showed them how bad it really was!"

    1. people come into my bathroom all the time and say it isn't that bad, and then I open the shower curtain. I swear it isn't because I don't clean, it's just naturally disgusting. sigh. of course the bathroom remodel is not happening until at least next year. you are both way more ambitious than we appear to be.
      just love how your bathroom turned out!!

  7. It looks amazing! I am in love with all of the vintage touches sprinkled throughout. I'm also sad that your before pictures look like my after. :-)

  8. Aw, thanks Becky! And like I said to goosefairy up there, I don't think our befores were really that bad looking either, we just had to get to work because it was literally falling apart around us : )

  9. Good work. It looks fantastic. You guys really put a ton of work into this!

  10. Your after pictures look amazing, I love Conan's art work and the tv come linen cabinet!

  11. Thanks Anne! I'll definitely let Conan know his art has an admirer. He's too backwards to brag but I can all I want : D

  12. I'm in LOVE with your bathroom! Your flooring is my all time favorite from my first apartment and to this years later I still miss it. If you don't mind me asking, was the floor thrifted or new?? And if new where did you get it?

    1. You just made my day!! New flooring in a totally retro pattern: brilliant! Thanks for the tip :)

  13. Thanks Chantel! We love the floor too and it was new. We got it from Home Depot online. We actually bought white hex tiles with random black tiles in them, popped out the black ones and made the black pattern around the edge with them then filled in the empty spaces with the white tiles we removed to make room for the black ones. You know what they say, "Necessity is the mother of invention."

  14. It's beautiful. Sorry for my previous comments on your other posts asking for these very pics. I didn't do enough poking around obviously! I think I might be stealing your floor tile design. And super great job on the cabinet. Wow. Inspired. Thank you:)

    1. That's okay! We love comments! Hope you found what you were looking for and good luck with your remodel!

  15. Everything is beautiful. But I'm completely perplexed as to how your sink works... where does the water come from?

    1. The water actually comes from inside the sink. The little bump out near the stopper is where the faucet is built in. It's a head scratcher for sure. That's why I HAD to have it ; )

  16. Ditto, ditto, ditto, and so on and so forth! Katherine, there's nothing left to say -- the previous posters have already thought of it all! :)

  17. I am stunned, Katherine, just stunned! I find myself not wanting to leave this page and just keep scrolling through it again and again. You and Conan are amazing (think I've said that already a time or two, haven't I?). Can't wait to tease him and ask if he really knew what he was getting himself into when he committed to this house before you were even married!?!?!

  18. I'm baaaa-ck! eeee-gads! that awful b&w square floor tile you ripped out! How did anyone live with that? It was so-o-o big for that room! Your hex tile is just so purrrr-fect! As is the design you worked out with the black ones. I can't picture the black ones sprinkled around the way I'm thinking it came. So were there enough black ones to successfully complete your design? Or did you have to order more? Wow! Your parents must be oh so proud even though they're sharing in the work (as good parents do).

  19. Question for you guys - I've previously laid 6x6 and 12x12 tile, and know you should lay starting from the center of the room, but here's my question: I'm totally using your bathroom as my inspiration (just ripped out the ugly plastic tub and uglier sink fake wood cabinet combo thing, and found a [free!] claw foot tub and a really beautiful wall hung sink - finished the plumbing recently phew!), and I'd like to put down hex but no one really has answer for where to begin! Center? Edges because of the border? Help! Also, I'm an avid follower and DIY'er, but you both have inspired me to undertake a TON of projects I never thought I could! Y'all rock and thanks in advance for any help!

    1. You have to chalk two lines that are square (one in the center of the room and one perpendicular to it) and then start laying out the tiles without any mortar(especially if you're making a border around the edges) just to get an idea of where everything will need to go and what pieces will be cut. We laid them out from the center but since they're not sticking to anything it doesn't reall matter that much. We picked up each quadrant and laid them out on a piece of plywood so that we knew which ones went where and then we started putting the mortar and one square of hex tiles down one quadrant at a time from the middle out. I would highly recommend going to Lowe's or the library and getting a book about laying tile. We used one for reference and it helped quite a bit. It's trial and error, though. Best of luck! And thanks for reading and for all of the kind words! You're awesome!


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